
The transition to college for parents/caregivers and students can be exciting and stressful, 同时. While parents or caregivers may no longer be physically present every day to support their student during this transition time, they are nonetheless a very integral part of their students’ support system. How parents/caregivers and their student negotiate and accept those changes can be a relationship enhancing experience or it can be an additional stressor for the student. Here are a few recommendations that we invite parents and caregivers to reflect on as they consider how to help their child be a successful college student.

  • Remind yourself what an excellent parent or caregiver you have been to your student thus far. The love you have given them and the skills they have learned from you have prepared them for college life. 尽管你可能会担心他们的适应情况, allowing your student to sort out the details themselves is immensely important as they move from being dependent on you to being more self-reliant.
  • 与你的学生交流. 因为你比别人更了解你的学生, 看到他们的情绪或行为发生变化是正常的. 和他们谈谈这些变化. Listen to their thoughts and feelings in a way that communicates understanding. 即使你的学生可能表现出改变的迹象, 这并不一定意味着他们处于困境.
  • 做学生的顾问,而不是解决问题的人. Ask questions that might help them generate their own ideas of how to get through the crisis. Encourage them to solve their own problems by talking with them, not at them. 当他们能够以一种赋予自己权力的方式管理危机时, they are more likely to do this again in their adult life and will be more likely to seek your input the next time.


Again, it is common and normal for your student to be experiencing new stressors in college. While these stressors may lead to occasional or temporary discomfort, 下面列出的行为可能是引起关注的原因, especially if the student is exhibiting more than one of these behaviors:

  • 学习成绩急剧下降
  • 旷课过多
  • 未能完成作业
  • Persistent signs of depression (sad mood; listlessness; lack of energy; weight loss/gain; withdrawal; excessive crying)
  • 极端的情绪变化或不恰当的情绪表达
  • 过分关注食物或身体形象
  • 焦虑,惊恐发作,易怒
  • Aggressive or threatening behavior; homicidal threats
  • References to suicide or talk of death, hopelessness or helplessness


  • 避免批评或评判你的学生
  • Express concern in a caring manner by using “I” statements that focuses on what you have noticed or what you are feeling
  • Know your limits; parents and caregivers can do a lot to help their student but sometimes professional help is needed
  • Encourage your student to make an appointment with the Personal Counselor through the Success Center on campus (402) 552-2695. Many students are hesitant to contact us but we meet with students for a variety of different concerns. If we determine that your student’s mental health needs are more than our services provide, we can help them get connected with another professional in the community.


Confidentiality is an important piece of the counseling relationship. While it may seem strange for you as the parent/caregiver not to know what your student shares with us in counseling, confidentiality is meant to help the student engage in a trusted relationship with the counselor. Unless the student permits the counselor to share information with someone, 法律禁止我们这样做.

Although we are not allowed to release a student’s information to anyone without their permission, 我们当然可以从任何人那里获取信息. If you have a concern about your student, please feel free to consult our counselor.

学生们面临着管理新时间表的挑战, 做的功课, 发展新的友谊, 融入校园生活. Respecting their time to let them accomplish all of this lets them know you have confidence in them. You can trust that while your relationship with your student is being revised, 它没有被切断. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions regarding how you can best support your student while attending PG电子APP.

(Information shared with permission of the University of Nebraska Kearney Counseling & 卫生保健.)
